Thursday, December 13, 2012

Year 28

This Sunday will mark the first day of my 28th year of life. I'm not the person I thought I would be at 28, nor am I where I thought I'd be in life at this age. (Doesn't everyone say this though?) I'm no better or worse, no more or less accomplished... it's just different. I'm not scared of this birthday or even scared of being closer to 30 (why is 30 so scary to most women?). Actually, I think I'm excited about it... and that's a true sign of my age (or maybe maturity). I am EXCITED about no longer being a 20-something-year-old. I am looking forward to being lumped in with the 30-something-year-old women, with all their experience and wisdom of the world. Their shrinking insecurities and their booming confidence in who they are and what they want out of life. So, bring it on 28, bring it on.

I remember turning 26 and asking my friend, Shelly, "I'm still in my mid-20s, right? This doesn't make me in my LATE-20s, does it?" Well, I am now without a doubt entering my late-20s... and I hope I make a grand entrance.

To commemorate this, I am compiling a list of all the things I want to do during this year of my life. Goals I'd like to achieve (even silly ones), things I want to do, ways I want to improve myself and the world around me. I'm tired of putting everything off and thinking that I'll take care of it later because later may never come. This is my life, my ONE life, and I want it to be extraordinary.

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